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Educators! Free Lesson Plans to Teach Kristallnacht (Middle & High School)

Educators looking for student-centered activities to engage your classroom in the lessons of Kristallnacht and the stories of those who came together to rescue 10,000 children on the Kindertransport? The Willesden Project is a great resource to highlight the impact on this turning point in history on children and families in 1938.

Educators! Free Lesson Plans to Teach the Kindertransport and Practice Having Conversations with Kindertransport Refugee, Edith Maniker (Primary School)

In these lessons, K-2 and 3-5 students will participate in strategies to start and stop effective conversations, in order to build relationships. Students will take turns in conversations with their peers and the Dimensions in Testimony interactive biography of Edith Maniker, a Jewish survivor of the Holocaust through placement on the Kindertransport.

On the Anniversary of the Kindertransport, Take this Free Online Course for 6-12 Educators! Rescue and Rescuers during the Holocaust, December 2024

Offered by our partner in professional development, explore the story of Lisa and Mona and the Kindertransport in this online, free, course. From Echoes & Reflections: Rescue during the Holocaust was not the norm, but it is an important topic for students to examine as a way to illuminate the rare bright spots amidst the overwhelming darkness of this historical tragedy.