As educators continue to move through this time of uncertainty and loss, they are seeking ways to provide increased social-emotional support to students. Music–an indelible part of cultures around the world-is used to commemorate, to celebrate, to express emotions, to heighten mood, to tell stories and to heal. Research confirms music can be used as a restorative and therapeutic tool that fosters resilience.
This special event will welcome concert pianist and author of The Children of Willesden Lane books, Mona Golabek, as she tells the story of how her mother, a child survivor of the Holocaust, gained strength from music to survive and thrive. The program welcomes special guest, Beth Meyerowitz, a trauma psychologist, who will discuss how music can be a tool for healing. We will hear from students and educators, as well as testimonies of survivors who share experiences with the power of music.
Join us to develop strategies and access resources to bring music to the classroom to help create safe spaces and provide students with tools to cope with the challenges they face.
This is special program of The Willesden Project that aims to bring the power of music and story to young people globally to contribute to their development as empathetic, knowledgeable, and resilient individuals. Learn more at The Willesden Project.